Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our Nation

Ellis Islands

Our nation is a melting pot, filled with different culture, races, and backgrounds. We are a nation of immigrants. Most of the people in America migrated here to start new lives, and to help their children have the life they deserve. The people know it is worth it, to leave their countries, to begin again. I found it very interesting in Faces of America how they traced people's ancestors to so many different places. All of these people had lives, and some risked their lives, like escaping for Nazi Germany to reach a safer land. This makes me curious about who my ancestors are. Were they good people? Why did they come to America? Who did they bring with them? The saddest thing to me is that some people in the video left their families in their homeland. How can someone risk all what they have there for just the small hope that America would be "better"?  I learned from Faces that our nation is formed by the great risks others took to begin a new life in America.

American culture is the melting pot, where people can come together, where there are many different types of people. I can go to a school with Muslims, Jewish, Christians, Hindus  and people of all different races, backgrounds, families, and beliefs. Here no one judges each other too harshly, and we all don't have to be the same, and that is okay! People who come to American must  have to get used to the cultural identity, because in America not everyone is mainly "one thing."  The traits of immigrants could be courageous, scared, or even excited to be in their new land. These are the traits that shape America, ones that form who we all are. We can't decide who our ancestors are, but we can decide what we make of their traits in the future. I feel connected to my ancestors because we share blood, and that must mean I share some the same traits. Wherever they came from, I know they came here ready to be optimistic. I am very inspirited too, for example I always look forward to things, and that's what keeps me going. I am thankful that whoever I am connected to came, because I really do like the freedom this country has, and how we are all "one" even though not one is alike. Being a country of freedom has its requirements, too. We are responsible to keep up the good character that our ancestors had. I will try my best to be courageous to help this country remain someone from another country may look up to. It's all up to us.


  1. Nice job Lexie. This is a pretty swaggy article. I agree with you, watching Faces of America also made me curious as to who my ancestors are!

  2. Sweet artical! Loved it :) i like the first picture.
